The Bunny Project: A community mail art collaboration funded by a grant from the City of San Leandro and the Arts, Culture and Library Commission.
Why the BUNNY project?
Rabbits are having a moment.
They're cute, they're prolific, and they get around, just like mail art!
Mail art has a long and storied history of democratizing art-making, providing an avenue for anyone to participate. Unlike the commercial and non-profit art markets, mail art shows require no entry fee and no curator or jury—everyone’s work is exhibited.
Over the next few months, I'll be creating hundreds of postcard-size "starter" collages to be distributed to venues where people gather in San Leandro. Community members that discover them, add to them, and mail them back to me will be my collaborators in this project.
And, as you'll see below, the USPS will be a collaborator, too, adding their own marks as they process the collage postcards through the system and into my PO Box. Good job, USPS!
These little 4" x 6" gems of collaborative creativity will be exhibited online HERE starting in October, and, IRL, along the gallery wall at the main library in San Leandro in November.
See sample collages below, including some early returns.